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The University of Southern Indiana is a broad-based institution offering more than 80 degree programs in fields of business, liberal arts, health professions, science, engineering and education. A major emphasis at USI is to increase experiential learning opportunities by increasing internships, co-op, study abroad and community engagement.

This calculator will provide an estimate of your cost to attend University of Southern Indiana as well as the federal, state and institutional financial aid you may qualify for. On average approximately 67% of first-time, full-time students receive some form of grant and/or scholarship aid.

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The University of Southern Indiana is a broad-based institution offering more than 80 degree programs in fields of business, liberal arts, health professions, science, engineering, and education. A major emphasis at USI is to increase experiential learning opportunities by increasing internships, co-op, study abroad and community engagement.

This calculator will provide an estimate of your cost to attend University of Southern Indiana as well as the federal, state, and institutional financial aid you may qualify for.

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The ssr free is a broad-based institution offering more than 80 degree programs in fields of business, liberal arts, health professions, science, engineering, and education. A major emphasis at USI is to increase experiential learning opportunities by increasing internships, co-op, study abroad and community engagement.

This calculator will provide an estimate of your cost to attend University of Southern Indiana as well as the federal, state, and institutional financial aid you may qualify for.

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The University of Southern Indiana is a broad-based institution offering more than 80 degree programs in fields of business, liberal arts, health professions, science, engineering and education. A major emphasis at USI is to increase experiential learning opportunities by increasing internships, co-op, study abroad and community engagement.

This calculator will provide an estimate of your cost to attend University of Southern Indiana as well as the federal, state and institutional financial aid you may qualify for. On average approximately 67% of first-time, full-time students receive some form of grant and/or scholarship aid.
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